
The game begins with the night phase.


  1. The moderator wakes up the Mafia. The Mafia are shown each others roles, and agree on a player to kill as a group.
  2. Other players are woken up to perform their night actions based on their roles.
  3. The mod will check that everyone who was meant to take an action did so.


All of the players wake up. The mod will announce if any deaths occured the night before. The day phase consists of 4 distinct phases.

  1. First players discuss, and form a block. In order to be put on the block a player must first be nominated and then seconded by two different players.
  2. When 2-3 players are on the block each of the players on the block give a defense. During a defense only that player may speak.
  3. All of the members of the town are then given a few minutes to discuss who should be voted out.
  4. Finally the town votes on the people on the block and the person who recieves the most votes is killed.
  5. After voting all of the players go to sleep for the night and the cycle repeats.

In addition, during the day, players may motion for a "no vote" or a "reblock" at any point during the day (except during voting). If another player seconds this motion either the town proceeds directly to the night phase or the current block is disbanded and a new different one is formed. Each one of these options can be used at most once per game.

Game End

The game ends when the town has succeeded at killing all of the Mafia or the Mafia has succeeded at gaining control of the town. Third parties win if they are the only party remaining.

Additional Notes

  1. The moderator (mod) will announce the time remaining during the day. The town may also motion for more time, or motion to run out of time. If these motions are seconded the mod may call for a vote, or choose to deny/accept the motion.
  2. If you have a question at any time during the game, feel free to ask the moderator. They are there to help.
  3. Often, mods will implement "first night immunity". This means that that person (usually the person who died first in the previous game) cannot be killed until the second night. This is meant to protect people from being killed immediatly several games in a row.